a colorful bird sitting on top of a tree stump


Establishing the proper frameworks and leadership guidance is crucial for driving significant change. Our Governance model lays the groundwork for Global Apparel to tackle critical social and environmental challenges promptly and effectively. Our team members play a vital role in realizing Global Apparel's objectives, bolstered by solid management procedures, uniform reporting methods, and dedicated leadership throughout the hierarchy.


We believe in a happy, healthy, and motivated workforce as a key to our success and sustainable growth in the industry. That's why we create an environment beyond employment, fostering growth, development, and well-being.

We strive to ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for the rights and dignity of everyone in Global Apparel. Furthermore, we are committed to improving our staff’s quality of life with benefits such as cafeteria services, transportation, healthcare, and production bonuses.


At Global Apparel, we firmly believe that actions speak louder than words. We are committed to actively challenging social inequality and negative stereotypes, especially those faced by individuals with disabilities. Our diverse and talented team takes pride in including individuals with disabilities, reflecting our ongoing effort to build an inclusive workforce and contribute to a more equitable society.


At Global Apparel, we firmly believe that actions speak louder than words. We are committed to actively challenging social inequality and negative stereotypes, especially those faced by individuals with disabilities. Our diverse and talented team takes pride in including individuals with disabilities, reflecting our ongoing effort to build an inclusive workforce and contribute to a more equitable society.

Integrity Helpline

The Integrity Helpline serves as a cost-free and confidential avenue for anyone seeking guidance, posing a question, or highlighting a concern. It operates 24/7 in every country where Global Apparel has team members. The helpline supports the two primary languages in which we operate, ensuring clear communication for our associates. Each submission is assessed by a member of our Ethical Standards team and directed to a suitable investigator.

Open Communication Initiative and our Integrity Helpline

Global Apparel is dedicated to encouraging open conversations and clear communication across various platforms, including our Open Communication Initiative and our Integrity Helpline.


Our Integrity Helpline is not exclusive to Global Apparel associates. Anyone who wants to highlight a concern regarding a possible breach of our Code of Business Conduct or legal regulations can reach out to the Helpline at any hour, any day of the week.


Global Apparel will not accept reprisals against an associate for genuinely reporting a potential breach of our Code of Conduct, an organizational policy, or the law, or for partaking in an inquiry.


We are committed to examining all reported issues with diligence, consistency, and promptness.


To emphasize our unwavering dedication to and comprehension of our value-driven guidelines, the Ethics and Compliance Program delivers both digital and instructor-guided sessions on our Code of Business Conduct, along with other critical subjects like anti-corruption, potential conflicts, equitable competition, and intellectual assets. During our Code of Conduct courses, associates are also presented with the chance to address concerns regarding possible breaches of our Code as they progress through the online module.

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We believe in a happy, healthy, and motivated workforce as a key to our success and sustainable growth in the industry. That's why we create an environment beyond employment, fostering growth, development, and well-being.

We strive to ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for the rights and dignity of everyone in Global Apparel. Furthermore, we are committed to improving our staff’s quality of life with benefits such as cafeteria services, transportation, healthcare, and production bonuses.